Reasons to consider threading as an option for facial hair removal

Why Choose Threading for Facial Hair Removal in Toronto, ON

Trending is an ancient method used by women in South Asian countries to get rid of unwanted facial hair, especially the eyebrows. Eyebrows are a very big determinant in enhancing or dulling one’s facial features. The more well-kept they are the shaper your face will look. Waxing and tweezing are also a few alternatives but threading is comparatively less painful and more convenient. We at Aakriti Salon have experienced and highly skilled technicians who know the best techniques to reduce pain as much as possible. Especially for women with sensitive skin, it is advised to opt for threading as an alternative to waxing or tweezing. Getting used to threading can be a little tough for the first timers, but trust us with time it becomes the most favorable solution to hair removal.

Precision and finesse

Our technicians are highly experienced and know how much pressure to apply according to one’s skin type. You also do not need to worry about the shape of your eyebrows because they will shape according to your face structure. A thin strand of cotton thread is used to rub against the skin and pull out the unwanted hair from various spots. Threading is a very precise technique as compared to waxing it can remove a lot of hair altogether or tweeze which can tag the skin many a time. Threading is a fine procedure as compared to the two.

Ideal for sensitive skin

Threading does not involve applying anything to the face especially hot wax that has the potential of burning the skin. The skin surrounding your eyebrows and the upper lips is one of the most sensitive areas and is prone to skin damage. When wax is applied and pulled a layer of your skin is also pulled along with it, thus damaging the skin barrier. The constant pulling of your skin in these areas can make it lose over time, which is not good at all. We always advise our clients to go for threading and avoid putting anything on their faces. Even with a patch test, the results can vary on actual skin. When you consider us for a threading service we guarantee the best treatment and result.

Less painful

We will not lie that threading is a painless procedure, in fact is a little painful in the beginning but with time one gets used to the pain. Waxing has an additional discomfort of a hot substance being applied to the face. Eliminate that completely by opting for threading as the best solution for hair removal. Tweezing can tag at the skin and cause bleeding whereas waxing done improperly can burn the skin. Threading on the other hand focuses on certain hair and removes those from the root causing only a slight pinch.

Get a rested look

With the hustle and bustle of today’s time, one may not find the time to take care of the looks. Threading could be a great way of giving that instant life to your face and looking your best self every day.
